Biden rode the perception of electability to victory in 2020. But now it may be his undoing.
NBC News
"Lauren Harper, a co-founder of Welcome PAC, which supports moderate Democrats running in conservative-leaning swing districts, said its polling shows electability remains the overwhelming concern for Democrats when they think about whom they want as their nominee, including potential replacements for Biden. “They want someone who can win,” she said. “And many don’t think that Biden can do it.”
Biden Reaches for the New Political Center
Boston Globe
“‘There’s momentum moving toward the center, and both the far left and far right demonstrated recently how important momentum is in politics”’said Liam Kerr, cofounder of the Welcome Party, which pushes the idea of a Democratic tent big enough to welcome independents and disaffected Republicans.”
Attack Ads Hit John Avlon in His House Primary Bid in New York
New York Times
“Welcome PAC, a group that works on a range of Democratic and nonpartisan initiatives across the country, has also run a series of ads on Mr. Avlon’s behalf highlighting Ms. Goroff’s 2020 loss.”
The Vital Center: Learning from the Extremes
Democracy Journal
“While the polarization and hyperpartisanship gripping American politics pit Republicans against Democrats, a nasty byproduct is the strangling of moderate, pragmatic political leaders within their own parties…Fortunately, partisan centrist political entrepreneurs [have stepped in] whose attitude toward politics is more welcoming.”
Republicans Against Perry on PBS Newshour
PBS News Hour
“Republicans against Perry is hoping to encourage moderate republicans to to back the democratic contender… [Janelle Stelson] is not some member of the AOC squad coming in to impose progressivism on centra PA. This is a moderate who easily could have, in an earlier time, run as a republican. We know there are enough republicans in this district to split their tickets.”
While Biden Worries About the Left, the Voters He Needs Are in the Center
Wall Street Journal
“The voters that elected Biden in the first place are the center-left voters that liked his centrist policies, not the Bernie Sanders-Elizabeth Warren slice of the electorate,” said Lauren Harper Pope, who co-founded a group called WelcomePAC that urges Democrats to make pragmatic, big-tent appeals.
Republicans Against Perry launches I-83 billboard in campaign against congressman
York Dispatch
"We know that there are a significant number of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents in the district who don’t want an extremist version of the GOP, even preferring to vote for a relatively moderate Democrat," Snyder told The York Dispatch.
Republicans Against Perry launching second ad campaign
The Republicans Against Perry group plans on having a busy April as it ramps up efforts to oust GOP Rep. Scott Perry from his 10th Congressional District seat.
A Welcome Approach
The Median Society
Host Anthony Mitchell speaks with Co-Founder of The Welcome Party and Democratic Strategist Lauren Harper Pope about moderate and black voters.
Democrats should try harder to win tough races
Slow Boring
Candidates should have moderate vibes. But to get electoral outliers, you need more than vibes: you need to legislate differently.
Biden’s coalition is in trouble. This guy thinks he can help.
Boston Globe
Kerr believes that there’s a political sweet spot that can attract enough voters to beat Trump once again.
Democrats Should Be a "Pro-Normal" Party
The Liberal Patriot
If we actually want to address critical issues... we have to position the party and its brand as a champion for ordinary Americans.
The same forces that drove out Sinema and Manchin are shrinking the Democratic Party
Appeasing the angry, extremist left has been a major mistake for Democrats – both morally and electorally. Too many in the party simply accept it. But mainstream Democrats can fight back and win elections in the process.
Carlisle Republican announces primary challenge to U.S. Rep. Scott Perry
[Perry's 2022 electoral outcomes] spurred the creation of Republicans Against Perry (RAP), a group formed by WelcomePAC. Newman said RAP gave him some 'early advice' when he started considering a bid last fall.
Black Democrats are moderate
Slow Boring
[Media coverage of Black voters] needs to more accurately represent the sentiment of the entire demographic and not merely its progressive segment.
Dems Think They Can Send the Freedom Caucus Chair Packing
The Daily Beast
We think [Perry] deserves to be replaced, and we think he can be replaced.
U.S. Rep. Scott Perry draws new opposition — from a group of moderate Republicans
York Dispatch
[WelcomePAC is] going to offer a set of critiques [in our ad campaign] that we think people should consider about Perry's performance, both as a national legislator but also as a local representative.
The Motivating Issues for Voters in 2024
A situation that needs to be addressed is, as per findings from a recent Blueprint Polling poll, 43% of voters think that Biden is more to their left and 41% think that Trump is to their right.